Square Peg ● Round Hole







It isn’t unusual that I plan things in advance.   Simply put, it makes me feel more comfortable and well, controlled.    Of course, I am such a veteran planner that I am aware that God gets amused and puts his own spin on things.

Yesterday, on my way to my writing workshop, my brain was busy with a litany of thoughts and ideas primed for an upcoming speech that I am giving.  Speech – sounds pretentious, doesn’t it?  While it sounds like a word that heads of state would haphazardly drop, I remind you that I am NO head of state.   In the spirit of things, this speech is a 10 minute summary of my intense relationship with a place that both of my son’s call home – a beautiful place that employs my oldest and educates my youngest.

I was asked to do this after I spoke at Bailey’s vocational school graduation.  Mind you, I am not a speaker.  I prefer the element of hiding behind my words.   Standing up in front of an audience staring at you brings great anxiety and truth be told, it is possibly the most vulnerable position, especially when you are sharing about a personal journey.  It was a two minute speech that felt like an hour.    Afterwards, I felt nothing but relief.

The next day I received an email from the establishment that has embraced both of my boys.  A good contingency was present for the graduation – which made my heart smile – and decided that me getting up in front of people once again was a formidable idea.  This time I would need to have a dog and pony show that would last 10 minutes.   So funny how 10 minutes seems like an exorbitant amount of time.     Of course, I said yes, because what else would you say to the place that has given far more to your children that you could ever repay?     The gathering is in September and is a tribute to supporters plus an opportunity for students, who have qualified, to receive various scholarships.   Oh, and there will be hundreds of people in attendance, which is a little daunting.

Two paragraphs later, I realize how much I digress, so here is the skinny on my thought process.   A moment of clarity came when I realized how limitless we really are.  Not alone, mind you, but with the help of others.   The reality that we never do anything alone.  The concept that without a community of supporters, we are limited in what we can do. It is the vulnerability of asking for help that can create the illusion of limitation.   The realization that every big moment or success has been at the hands of my willingness to seek out others who can assist the process.   So, there you have it, the concept of what this 10 minute speech will entail.  Keep in mind, the speech is three months away, and I still have the bulk of it to write, but the word “limitless” was the word that spoke to heart and created the foundation.  I just have to complete the design.