Even with the delivery of the holiday season and the “peace on earth, goodwill toward men” thoughts, I am sensing discord among many. Because of the state of our country, I am experiencing individuals being taken hostage by the circumstances of a nation. While it warrants concern, I have to remember – I believe I have said it before – that my corner of the world needs tending to as well.
I could taut a lot of sugary phrases like “be the example you wish to see in the world” or “see those you disagree with as God sees them and your perception of them will change”, but society seems to be in a haze of unwillingness. Individuals who I deeply admire are caught in a cycle of negativity and while I empathize with the plight, I know that continuing to do the same thing over and over again is the definition of insanity.
Realizing that social media is a large platform for expressing your displeasure of everything in the world, I have unfollowed numerous people. I want to focus on happy things. I want to see photos of kitties, yummy recipes, and adorable children. I want to hear about the successes of my friend’s kids. I want to go back when life was easier, you know, before the election.
Acceptance doesn’t mean liking the outcome or even being comfortable with it.It simply means that life is going to unfold whether you are on board or not. Coming together despite our differences can change the course. As I say often enough, we are more alike than different.
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