Square Peg ● Round Hole







Quarantine Activites

Quarantine Activites

It has been pretty quiet here at the Jones house. Limited drama. Everyone settled into their own personal routine. In my mind, I am thinking, “we are so kicking this quarantine shit” and then, well, life happened. In between classes yesterday, Bryce took a...
Odds & Ends

Odds & Ends

There seems to be a good amount of free time floating around us. Sure, there are those that are working from home, but you will still relate to my keen observations. My home is taunting me and, frankly, it is ridiculous. I am hanging around minding my own business,...
Nail Appointment

Nail Appointment

You all are aware of the struggle that I have had trying to maintain my Basset’s toenails. Come to think of it, I can’t remember if I shared that issue or not. Like the days of the week, my blogs are all running together. Anyway, the vet can’t do it...


After my enlightening conversation with my mother yesterday, I was excited to see a special delivery had arrived. (If you wonder what the conversation was with my mother, please refer to my blog, “Two Words”. You will understand why this delivery was so...
Two Words

Two Words

The last two blogs have been a little heavy. In fact, I was told by someone, who indeed believes that non-essential shopping is a productive mental health activity that they do not, in fact, shit rainbows and unicorns. That’s disappointing as it would have been...