Square Peg ● Round Hole







Yes, you probably think by reading the title of this blog, that I have lost my mind.  Wait….there’s more.   I am merely making up a new word.  “Waction” is a combination of word and action.   You see, my whole issue is the troublesome individuals who are all talk and no followup.  Being in the throes of the political season spawns a rapid distaste of the “blah blah blahs” that come out of those politicians.   Actually, it reiterates the mistrust I have of those people who say all the right things, but the semantics never match the follow-up.

“Waction” is simple.  You simply share your sentiment and then follow up with what you say you are going to do.  This is what inspired me to latch on to my emotional cleanse.  Too many people smile and say all the right things, but then there is no follow through which leads to mistrust and disappointment.  It’s like dealing with a car salesman.  You buy this beautiful car only to realize that you just bought a lemon.

The relationships that are changing in my life can be summed up by words and no action.   People’s dishonest traits have no place in the authentic space that I am creating.   I need people with “waction”.    My new word may never end up in a dictionary, but it does provide me with a little chuckle.