It seems that our country is divided yet again. This time it revolves around the Super Bowl halftime show, and whether the Kansas City Chiefs are representing Kansas or Missouri. For the record, they are in Missouri and our President corrected his tweet as he thought...
This Is My Life
Imagine what you thought your life would look like and then check into reality. Do they match? Mine doesn't. It's better. Yesterday, as I watched Bailey play in a Special Olympics basketball game, I thought about how my landscape is so rich. As we inch toward Bailey...
Conversations with Adult Children
Sometimes it is hard to believe that I am old enough to have two adult children. Sure, I wake up and feel like I am at least eighty, but I am rocking the fact that my face is showing minimal signs of aging. Bailey will be 25 this year and Bryce will turn 21. Holy...
Let me tell you about my terrifying situation that happened yesterday. (Taking a deep breath, as this is so difficult to share.) When I write my blog, it automatically links to several social media platforms. This is an excellent way for me to improve traffic and I am...
My heart is heavy. When I heard about the helicopter crash that claimed the lives of nine people including Kobe Bryant and his daughter, Gigi, I was stunned. I am not an NBA fan. I didn't really follow him, but I was drawn by the loss. He was a dad. He was a husband....
Don’t Ask
We are two weeks into the hostage situation AKA my boot. Don't be jealous that it also has a pump attached to it. Yes, friends, I am super special to have such a fashion forward contraption. Anyway, we are slowly making progress. I am anxiously looking forward to...
The Purse
I could feel that yesterday was a day of possibilities. Waking up at 5 a.m., I felt creatively inspired as I worked on the 577th revision of my manuscript. Kidding. It is only 576. I tend to exaggerate. Drinking my coffee, I plowed through the pages, wrote a blog...
Mattress Gate
Well, I am sure that you all are losing sleep over whether the new air mattress has been successful. I am sure you all are assuming all is well since it has been radio silence. Maybe on your end. On mine, it is has the continuous sound of an air mattress pump. You...
Survey Says
I spend a lot of time in what I like to refer to as "holding hell". Between my mother's long-term health insurance and Bailey's many government assistance programs, listening to music-on-hold has become part of my normal. Along with everyone's need for me to do a...
You know those moments where someone says something to you where you instantly know they are baiting you? Maybe not intentionally, but baiting nonetheless. Yesterday, I experienced just that. After the week I have had, I was looking forward to simply existing without...
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