Square Peg ● Round Hole









Sometimes, I am completely baffled at how some individuals function in the outside world. Recently, our community has been inundated with car break-ins. While this has always been an issue, the difference is that a good amount of the cars violated have had guns in...

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If Only

If Only

It is interesting to me that sometimes outside forces can influence my mood, if I allow it. It really shouldn't be a surprise. If I have learned anything in the vast time I have been in existence, I am the only one in control of my mood. It just takes me a moment to...

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This happens to me all the time. The self-deprecating voices that urge me to sabotage successes. The voices that preach that I am not good enough or worthy. Those voices are complete and utter assholes urging me to rationalize and justify my actions. Those bitches are...

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What Was That?

What Was That?

Yesterday morning, Brian and I were participating in a little communication game called, "What hell are you talking about?". It is something that happens periodically when our communication skills rival a foreign language film with no subtitles. His second shift job...

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This may surprise you, but I dislike confrontation. However, there are moments that warrant my participation, I just have to remember to choose my words carefully. I also have to presume positive intent for everyone. Hard pill to swallow when the issue at hand has an...

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Please, be quiet

Please, be quiet

My Monday was centered around being of service. Mom had an appointment with an ENT. Not long ago, she had an issue with vertigo that she was convinced her hearing aids caused. Several professionals have explained that they were not the issue, but we have to go through...

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Mix And Match

Mix And Match

Yesterday, I could barely move my neck. I tried to remember if there was anything out of the ordinary that I had done the day before, but realized that I was fine when I went to bed. I suppose I am getting to the age that I can literally injure myself sleeping. Color...

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How's your morning going? Are you enjoying the quiet? Maybe sighing after your first sip of coffee. How's mine going, you ask? You are so kind to inquire. Well, let's just say that before I could enjoy the quiet, sip my cup of golden liquid, and contemplate what I...

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I am learning so much about the whole "what's next after you finish your book" routine. Of course, the next step was to find a great editor, so I contacted a friend of a friend. I waited for a response. And waited. And waited. So, while I am normally patient, (insert...

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The other day a woman told me that I was wise. That the thoughts that I share are so on point. I smiled and thanked her. All the while feeling tremendous gratitude and also laughing because, well, a lot has shifted in the fifty-two years that I have existed. There was...

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