Square Peg ● Round Hole







What is Happening?

What is Happening?

Every time life is presenting me with challenges aka opportunities, I can hear my friend’s voice in my head and it makes me laugh. When I was in Santa Fe last summer with some friends, we went to this very odd establishment called Meow Wolf. The concept is set...
Tool Tester

Tool Tester

I like to think of myself as a cool, confident 51-year old woman who has her shit together. It’s an illusion, but I have always like to play pretend. Some days I can pull that appearance off like a champ and then there are other moments where I give off the...
Not Again

Not Again

I spend a great deal of time trying to reason with others. There are moments where I think that maybe I should just go live on an island free of human interaction. Sounds severe but after a few conversations with my loving family, I am convinced that it would be best...
It’s Me

It’s Me

Yesterday, while driving Brian’s car, I had an epiphany. It was my Oprah “ah-ha” moment. His car syncs up to the phone of the driver which allows me to play my music. However, this time it kept posting a message saying that my Bluetooth wasn’t...


Yesterday, I shared about the opportunity for Bailey to possibly go live in a group home to learn the fundamentals of independent living. After I posted the blog, I was in a state of reflection. Is it me that isn’t ready? Maybe it is my fear that is blinding the...