Square Peg ● Round Hole







Living in Bulk

We are a society that thrives on buying in bulk.    Everyone needs 500 paper plates, right?  So, while we buy our basics in bulk, I like to stock up on my emotional “tools”.  Having emotional tools in bulk relieves me from that panic that sets in when...

Martyrdom…..The Struggle is Real

After years of avoiding my outdoor studio formerly known as the boy’s playhouse, I recreated a new space.   Out with the cumbersome desk and in with some comfortable chairs that have occupied various venues in our home.  Making this retreat has not only...

The Process

So this declutter movement that I am currently involved in, has expanded beyond what I even imagined.  Gobs and gobs of crap that has literally reproduced while hidden away in the corners of my home.   I have discarded more items than I have kept and that goes for...