Square Peg ● Round Hole







Slow and Steady

Slow and Steady

I have hit the eight week mark on my journey of becoming healthy and fit.  The scale mocks me enough to only release five of the fifteen or so pounds that I would like to lose.  However, my clothes are becoming loser and my exercise routine has become something I look...
The Blanket

The Blanket

There is a level of discomfort that needles me.  If I pay attention to it, then it expands into my thoughts.   My discomfort lies primarily in the waiting.  I am still in a state of transition.   This doesn’t normally define me until I wake up with a feeling of...


“WTF” is the thought that runs through my head as I haphazardly come across some ridiculous new “awarenesses” that society now has deemed offensive or no longer appropriate.   And when I say “society”, I am really referring to the...
Give the Gift

Give the Gift

I know that most of you are up to your eyeballs with Christmas delight.  I imagine you are glowing with the spirit of the season.   Your heart is filled with love and you are counting the moments until the holidays…….are over.   I...
Years Later

Years Later

When Bailey ventured into the workforce, I had no idea how the landscape would look.  Yes, he works at a local high school where my youngest attends.  Yes, I know a lot of people there and he occupies a safe environment.  But, the first Christmas party he attended...