Square Peg ● Round Hole







Those Things I Wish I Didn’t Know

Those Things I Wish I Didn’t Know

I am simply a spectator in life.   Sometimes being a keen observer allows me to see things I would have missed.  At a basketball tournament where Bailey’s team was participating, I got an eye full. And while the athletic participation of those with special needs...
Just Me

Just Me

“What are you doing this weekend?”, one of my delightful friends inquired. I responded that we were headed to Elizabethtown to watch Bailey participate in a basketball tournament to qualify for state. She was enthusiastic in her response of how exciting...
Pay Attention

Pay Attention

I keep hearing all the warnings about being a distracted driver and how texting, chatting on the phone, etc, are such an issue.  Honestly, I don’t know if we have just gotten to be worse at the skill of operating a vehicle or perhaps, lapsed in the ability to...
The Tangled Web

The Tangled Web

I sent my resume and a cover letter for another writing opportunity.  The description of what was needed seemed right up my alley especially because they want an authentic voice.  In fact, they encouraged the cover letter to veer off the standard, boring introduction...
Good Intentions

Good Intentions

I can remember my mother reciting, “the path to hell is made up of good intentions”.  I had no idea what that meant at the time, but yesterday, I realized that I might be the poster child for intentions that aren’t leading to hell,  but instead...