Square Peg ● Round Hole







Something is Missing

Something is Missing

Most of the time I feel like a competent individual. But lately, something is missing. I am not sure if it is the transition of Brian being on a job hiatus that is throwing me off of my game or if I am simply too consumed by all of the self-imposed goals that I have...
What’s In A Phrase

What’s In A Phrase

Last night, my youngest came home for the brief weekend visit. The draw was an alumni retreat at his former high school. I was showing him all the updating to the kitchen that his father had accomplished and then shared that I had bought his favorite bread (it is a...
It’s Inevitable

It’s Inevitable

Trying to outsmart my almost 24 year old son with Down syndrome has become my obsession. Yes, I realize that this might be considered a twisted issue, but no one ever accused me of operating with a full deck. Bailey is constantly keeping me on my game. At this point,...
The Transition

The Transition

Change is inevitable. My only roadblock is when I resist it. I have learned that change often leads me to an unexpected destination and acceptance doesn’t mean I like it. We have been in a flurry of transition. For me, it means that life is progressing and that...
So It Seems

So It Seems

Social media and I have a love/hate relationship. Between the political rants and the negative comments, it is hard to see the attraction. I belong to a community group that focuses on any unusual activities in the surrounding neighborhoods along with crime reporting....