Square Peg ● Round Hole









A couple of days ago, I shared that my mother’s caregiver was leaving. I get it. The pay is ridiculously low and she needs to do what is best for her family. And, honestly, so do I. I waited a few days to reach out to the agency, thinking that they would be...
Half My Life

Half My Life

Today is my wedding anniversary. It’s Brian’s too, but since I am writing the blog, I get first dibs. Isn’t that the way marriage is suppose to be? So, I have been with one person over half my life. That is a really long time. Looking back, I am...
Can This Wait?

Can This Wait?

Yesterday, before I went to the visitation for my mother’s best friend, I received a text from her caregiver informing me, she is quitting the agency. This means another hunt for the ideal person who will fit best with my mother. Already emotionally compromised,...
An Enigma

An Enigma

So, I am in the midst of my revisions, which in layman terms means, I am residing in the seventh circle of hell. I had this grand illusion that it would be so easy. Effortless even. The simple act of expansion. But, clearly, I am delusional. Writer’s block is a...
Dinner Conversation

Dinner Conversation

Before I begin, my family knows that anything they say or do, can and will be used against them in my blog. I wanted to state that up front since there may be some individuals who are appalled at my open sharing policy. They say it. I write it. It’s called...