Square Peg ● Round Hole







A Year In Review

A Year In Review

We all do it. The reflection. The moment where we analyze the ups and downs of the past year. Thinking about how we could have made it better and then vowing that 2020 will be the year to seize. You might make some resolutions, which are just premeditated resentments....
Do You Really Know Me?

Do You Really Know Me?

The age of the internet is so interesting. Want to find a job? A recipe? A unicorn that speaks French? Just Google it. There are so many platforms that sometimes I feel like Google really knows me, and then there are moments when I am literally like, WTF? When I was...


As we plunge into the holiday season, there will be triggers. Those tiny nuggets that invade our peaceful existence. During these festive times, we will also encounter many personalities. Lots and lots of personalities. This is why Santa only visits once a year. He...
The Wait

The Wait

There is are two ways to go when life throws you a curve ball. You can duck and ignore it. Or, you can rise and embrace it. On Tuesday, I received an email from the literary agent that was interested in reading the first fifty pages of my book. My fingers itched to...
Rain Delay

Rain Delay

I am a planner. It’s just what I do. Along with being planner, I am also prepared. Well, most of the time. Saturday we were headed to Bowling Green to cheer on WKU as they played their last home game of the season. Seriously, last game, which reminds me that...