Square Peg ● Round Hole







Dress Rehearsal

Dress Rehearsal

First, let me start by saying that being a human Pogo stick was not on my bucket list, yet, here I am. When I saw my mother the other day, she inquired how I came to this point. This is a question that she has asked before, but forgets that we have discussed it...
Waking Up

Waking Up

I am four days into my hostage situation. If I were rating this experience on Yelp, I would give it a solid four star rating. The care has been excellent and I have been able to entertain myself pretty adequately. Yesterday, I took a poll on Facebook to see how many...
The Left Foot

The Left Foot

Yesterday, I marked “have surgery during a pandemic” off my bucket list. Sure, my bucket list sucks but so does 2020. We arrived at 5:45 A.M. for a 7 A.M. surgery. It was smooth and I even escaped without having my tendon replaced. Now, I am residing in my...
Learning Curve

Learning Curve

Tomorrow, as long as I don’t test positive for the big “C”, I will be having foot reconstruction surgery. Let me just say, that out of all the body parts that I thought I might have reconstructed, around this time in my life, my foot was not one of...
Size Matters…Apparently

Size Matters…Apparently

Before you all spit out your coffee, this is not a pornographic post. This is the story of a man who insists that the size of a television matters. That he needs it to be bigger as much as he needs air to breathe. Okay, that might be a bit dramatic, but seriously,...