Square Peg ● Round Hole







Back Then

Back Then

Today is my youngest 21st birthday. Seriously. Twenty-one. WTAF? I am far too young to have produced two humans in their twenties, but yet, here we are. Anyway, Bryce has always been full of surprises. I mean, the day he was born, I had no idea I was even in labor....

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Stepping Out

Stepping Out

This may come as a complete shock with how I really don't like the human race, but I actually went out last night. Let that sink in for a moment. Honestly, the only reason was my spouse's birthday. That's love, friends. I stepped out of my comfort zone while risking...

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So….That Happened

So….That Happened

I am going to be honest here. I mean, I really try to be transparent when I share in this blog, which hopefully makes me relatable. Today, it is beyond important that I open the vault. In the thirty-five years that I have been of age to vote, I have never watched an...

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Never-ending Saga

Never-ending Saga

I realize that our country is imploding. I am aware that there are an abundance of other issues to consider, and that my corner of the world is pretty stable, but I have to be real with you all. I am suffering. I am suffering from the insanity that involves air...

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A Different Picture

A Different Picture

Friends, I have really neglected my blog this week. Not on purpose, mind you, but there have been a lot of balls to juggle and I am simply a terrible juggler. My mother has been a petulant child with her demands of me canceling caregivers. I am forever using the "mom"...

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What The Hell?

What The Hell?

Yesterday, I was giddy sprinkled with nerves. This was the day that I would be released from my hostage situation AKA my red cast. I would be walking again like those miracles in the bible. The angels would be singing and all would be right in my world. Reality check....

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Giddy Girl

Giddy Girl

Today is the day. Four weeks of a colorful cast whose luster wore off about 15 minutes into wearing it. Six weeks of non-weight bearing. Six weeks of being less than proficient in driving a scooter. Ladies, you know the feeling you get when you take your bra after a...

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Another Day

Another Day

I haven't really been out and socializing on a grand scale since February, so heading out to a college football game is a big deal. Add a cute mask along with a non-weight bearing woman riding a scooter, and you have a recipe for humor. I had gotten some information...

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Tough Choices

Tough Choices

If you have ever had to care for an elderly family member, one who tests your patience and makes you want to go into the witness protection program, raise your hand. Yep. I knew there would be a lot of you. Here's the deal, I just made a tough choice that was not...

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What The Hell?

Almost There

The countdown has begun. One more week until I get my cast off and take a spin in my walking boot. You know, the same boot that has been my appendage since the beginning of the 2020 - the year of the spawn of Satan. Anyway, I have been impressed with my creativity...

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