Square Peg ● Round Hole







Gloriously Messy

One of my favorite writers is the illustrious, Elizabeth Gilbert.  Her journey to find herself made me want to set out on a journey of self-discovery.  In fact, her book Eat, Pray, Love, has been read so many times that it is now bound together by tape and rubber...

That’s What She Said

We all do it. As much as we would like to say otherwise, we are all guilty of indulging in gossip. It’s like a buffet, once we go through the line once, we can’t resist going back for seconds. The interesting thing, is that I am more aware of that urge....

That’s Their Story

I grew up having an opinion on everything. Most of the time, it was on subjects that I knew nothing about, but still wanted to have an opinion. As an imperfect human, I am prone to having opinions. Fo the most part, I keep them to myself. What I have learned is that...

Godly Signs

I am not one who drives around with an “I love Jesus” sticker on my car. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I tend to be tight lipped regarding religion and politics as they arm individuals with heated ammunition. Rather, I appreciate God in...