Square Peg ● Round Hole







An Illusion

An Illusion

As I sat in my wheelchair, prime positioned in the end zone, I was struck at how annoyed I was.    Surrounded by layers of people, I felt trapped.   This was the biggest high school football game of the year, in my opinion, and normally, I would be enjoying my front...
Getting Acquainted

Getting Acquainted

The beginning stages of a relationship can resemble a dance.  Navigating, positioning, getting to know the ins and outs of this new friend can be tedious, yet invigorating all at the same time.    However, this is a tricky one for me because my acquaintance is my new...
A Little Sprinkle Of Gratitude

A Little Sprinkle Of Gratitude

The last four weeks have felt like a whirlwind yet,  it seems as though it has been moving in slow motion.  Truth be told, I still have a long road to go, but the path is brighter.  While the journey has had its ebbs and flows, I could not have done it without my...


Storytelling is truly an art.  It is the ability express elaborate details while keeping your audience captivated.    Years before I discovered the rooms of Alanon, I loved being in the “know”.  This meant that I had all the knowledge…..the dirt, the...
Varied Direction

Varied Direction

I have come to a point in my life where silence is my best weapon.  This is a hard task to undertake since I hardly like to pause when agitated, but I find in a variety of situations, this works wonders. Recently, I was invited out to dinner.  It was an eclectic group...