Square Peg ● Round Hole







Looking in the Mirror

Looking in the Mirror

There has always been a struggle with my body image.   Long before Dory just kept swimming, I was brought up to just keep moving.  I was a little chunky, at least that is what I thought I heard.  Sometimes my hearing can be distorted.  With that being said, I never...
Smarty Pants

Smarty Pants

“You are so smart!”  A friend said this to me the other day and it threw me off.  When I hear this, all I can think about is what Aibileen said in The Help…..You is kind.  You is smart.  You is important.   I don’t think I ever felt smart, but...
Turning It Up

Turning It Up

If you are a frequent reader – which I hope you are – you will remember me writing about mastering the art of space.  What I mean is being relaxed while the space I am in is currently quiet with only ripples of tasks with deadlines.   I am in a state of...
Beware of Awareness

Beware of Awareness

This week I wrote about the disease we call social media with a special spotlight on Facebook.     And while I hit on the highlights, I missed a vital piece…..the contagious copy and paste epidemic that seems to be griping this particular platform.   Yes, I am...
My Good Deed

My Good Deed

My mother says that “no good deed goes unpunished”.  I hear that often in my head repeating like a broken record when the stars align and I do something kind.  Now, there are moments when I believe it is true and one of those happens to be yesterday. For...