Square Peg ● Round Hole







Smoke and Mirrors

Smoke and Mirrors

Through social media, you can create the perfect life with the ideal children and a doting spouse.   Like a movie set, photos and words can illustrate a life that anyone would envy.  Sadly, it isn’t real.    I was talking with a neighbor recently who moved to...
That’s All Folks

That’s All Folks

I don’t know about you, but when I am hosting a party, I tend to operate on full red alert.  On Saturday morning, I had a list of things to accomplish in a few short hours.  Brian asked how he could help and I sent him out to pick up the desserts.  An hour...
The Cage Match

The Cage Match

I rarely entertain large groups of individuals unless it is a special occasion.  The reason being is that I don’t enjoy the cage match with my Martha Stewart personality.   Today, we are hosting Bryce’s graduation party.  Ordinarily I would have it catered...
The Art of Marriage

The Art of Marriage

Being married offers a new set of rules, challenges, triumphs, and confusion.   I can say this with some authority as my spouse and I are celebrating twenty-six years of our union.   I am not going to gush on social media that our partnership is perfect because it is...


In the midst of all the joy and celebration, there were some unsettled feelings with Bryce.  Having his brother receive the honorary alumnus award at Trinity didn’t bring him a sense of pride, instead his perspective was a dark cloud over his own triumphs. It...