Square Peg ● Round Hole









They say that when you are on the verge of death, the movie of your life plays, allowing you to relive those significant moments.   I wasn’t prepared to experience the movie reel of all the moments with Bryce today as we watched him transition to a new...
The Message

The Message

As I watch the royal wedding, I am reminded how magical a fairy tale can be.  Two people from different worlds finding love.  The prince finding his princess.  Watching the loving looks, the subtle smiles, and the hints of a true and deep respect for one another, I am...
The Honor

The Honor

The start of graduation weekend was launched this morning during the Father/Son senior breakfast.   Late last week, I was asked to attend, along with making sure that Bailey was working because they had a surprise in store for him.  I had no idea what to expect, but I...


I am sure the title intrigued you, but no, I am not writing about anything inappropriate…..today.  The shrinkage I am referring to is my own ego.  A week or so ago, I was given the opportunity for another writing gig with another publication that I had not...
Shout Out

Shout Out

If you follow my blog, you already know how much I dislike Mother’s day.  The day specifically engineered to boost retailers while showering unrealistic expectations on innocent mothers.  Everyday should be a celebration for the person that cleaned up your...