Square Peg ● Round Hole







It Didn’t End There

It Didn’t End There

My day started out bizarre and continued that trend with gusto.   Bailey’s place of employment was closed to due a threat and then later, our neighborhood was on lockdown due to a bank robbery suspect on the loose. I was so grateful that I had plans...
Conversations with Old People

Conversations with Old People

Some of the most interesting conversations happen with my mother.  Right now, things are going well since we have found this amazing caregiver.  I believe that my father delivered this individual as a way of making sure that I didn’t commit the heinous crime of...
I’ll Pass

I’ll Pass

This time of the year does not inspire me.   It doesn’t bring me excitement.  Now before you compare me to Scrooge, let me explain.    For years, I decorated the tree.  Me. Alone. By myself.   Sure, the spouse would untangle the lights and fix the strand that...
Who Would Have Thought

Who Would Have Thought

Something strange is occurring.  Yesterday, we learned that the coach for  Bryce’s college football team had been let go.  I have now become obsessed with the replacement.   Let me just say that I adored their coach.  He was kind, personable, and made an effort...


Having everyone home has been lovely and weird all at the same time.  People that have walked the transition of high school to college warned me, but until you experience it, you really can’t relate.   Now that Bryce has been gone since July, we have fallen into...