Square Peg ● Round Hole







Now There’s This

Now There’s This

I kid you not, yesterday, I ordered a T-shirt that says, “OMG Please make it stop 2020”. I feel like we have all been cast, without our permission, in a reality show. I imagine alien abductions are down because who the hell wants us anyway. Poor Canada. I...
Feel It

Feel It

Yesterday, I felt heavy. The discomfort was palpable. Instead of the four seasons, 2020 has become the season of a pandemic sprinkled with protesting. The pandemic could have waited but I suppose if we are going to have a shit show, that certainly makes it more...
Hold My Beer

Hold My Beer

Good glory, friends. I feel like the universe keeps chanting, “hold my beer” anytime there is an inkling of a reprieve. Apparently, it is possible to protest during a pandemic, but obviously, not using six feet of social distancing. I think my sense of...