Square Peg ● Round Hole







Bait and Switch

Bait and Switch

Distraction has been an excellent element to use with my spouse and oldest son. If you have been following my blog, you have been a witness to my struggles with air mattresses. You know, the three that have been purchased and then met untimely deaths. Not at my hands,...
It’s The Same

It’s The Same

This week has felt like a mixture of the movie Groundhog Day, where Maury Povich and Jerry Springer are in the supporting cast waiting for their entrance. It’s the season finale of 2020, and we are all holding our breath for the outcome. After the year we have...


Sometimes it takes a simply conversation. One where I am simply listening and on occasion, asking questions. Yesterday was one of those days. My mother’s caregiver is a young black woman whose spirit lights up the room. She is funny, spirited and my mother is in...
Never Imagined

Never Imagined

This small getaway has refueled me. It’s like a rejuvenation of epic proportions. There were a few things that I couldn’t participate in, but one activity that I was very present for was skeet shooting. I joke about my “Pandemic Bucket List”...