Square Peg ● Round Hole








Today is a day that America will never forget.  As I travel back in time, it is clear how I have changed since the day terrorism touched our lives.    My father was still alive and a very big part of my life.  Bailey was six year old.  I was on a mission to fight for...

Balance Beam

I will say, that this emotional cleanse, has really given me new insight to my being.    It has caused me to dig deep inside of myself to figure out what triggers my reactions.  This has allowed me to journal and meditate on what works and doesn’t work for me...


If I have learned anything in the last few years, it is the process of being accountable.   For a very long time, it was easy for me to put the blame on something or someone else.   Being wrong or making a mistake wasn’t the issue.  The true issue was the...

Hidden Blessings

Normally, on a Monday, I am less than thrilled to get the week started.  Today was different.  I woke up renewed with a sense of peace that something had changed.  Then I realized it was ME!    I have had a shift of perception.  Which means this emotional cleanse is...

Lasting Memory

During this time on my emotional cleanse, I am reminded of a person who inspired me with his words and actions.   My Dad was a man who unselfishly provided unconditional love.  When I screwed up (and I did a lot of screwing up), he always had my back.Today would have...