Square Peg ● Round Hole







I Am Unbroken

As the year comes to a close, it isn’t uncommon for me to reflect on the past year.   A year in review helps me learn and grow.  It allows me to diminish the “what ifs” and cater to my “why not” that dance in my head. I love the thought...

Love Patterns

I might be stepping out on a limb, but I have news that may rock your world.  As parents, we strive to show equality to our kids.  We tell them that we love them equally.  Can I just share the truth with you?  There is no way, at least for me, that I love my kids...

The Value Factor

Parenting is not for the faint of heart.   Sometimes, I compare it to riding a roller coaster.   Unfortunately, roller coasters make me motion sick, and, this is a side effect of what arises when dealing with kids or more accurately, teenagers. One recent exchange...


It has been a long, full week of distractions.   Distractions from writing my blog or from getting a list of things accomplished.  This is simply… life.   Life is full of distractions that deter us from our primary goal.  My primary goal is to lead a life that...

The Act of Forgiveness

We have all been wronged.  It is with great humanness that we hurt others and other hurt us.   Sometimes it is an accident other times it is not.   Either way, the art of forgiving can be tricky. From my own experience, I have held onto the hurt so long, that it...