Square Peg ● Round Hole








We can all fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others.   It sneaks up on us like a sultry snake ready to attack our inner peace.  I find that it is most powerful when I am at an emotional low.  It taunts me and leads me to believe that what I have isn’t...

The Whisper

It occurs when you least expect it.  The subtle nudge toward the unexpected can lead you down a unfamiliar, yet illuminated path. For the last few years, I haven’t been exercising due to my aging body.  Funny, not even fifty yet, but I have knees of a ninety...


Isn’t it heaven when your beliefs are affirmed?  For so long during this emotional cleanse, I have been in a state of questioning whether my perception of someone has been accurate.  Wondering whether it is an illustrious scene being played out in my head.  The...

Limited thinking

With all the racial tension that has been brought to light, I often wonder how we got to this place.  It seems as though we have taken a giant leap backwards and aren’t really seeing ourselves as human beings, but rather a labeled color.   Maybe we never really...

The F Word

Before you get offended, the F word that I am referring to is flab. Once I became pregnant and had my boys, my skin had stretched so much, that I hardly recognized it.  Combined with unforgiving gravity and my short stature, my body became layers of sagging skin.....