Square Peg ● Round Hole







Life Changes

I am infatuated with the Timehop app.  Not only does it help refresh my memory, which deteriorates by the day, but it is a helpful reminder on how I have changed and grown. When I take action to do something to enhance or improve my circumstances, I create my own...

Disguised Teachers

This may shock you, but I don’t like everyone.  In fact, more surprising, is that not everyone likes me.  Crazy, right?  (If you are reading this correctly, you will distinctly hear a sarcastic tone.)  As I grow older, I realize that though I might not like...

Why me versus Why not me

It is only natural that as humans, we cringe when what we consider “bad things” happen to us.   We question the universe.  We bellow to anyone, “why me” and then we wait for the next “bad thing” to happen.   I only put the word...


This being “human” thing is really hard.   I vowed that I would be more aware of my eagerness to jump to conclusions and be vigilant in not taking other people’s actions or verbal assaults personally.   That is one tall order for me.   Yesterday was...

Mood Cancer

Yep, I started this day with a bad attitude.  It started with the reluctance of getting out of bed to taking the dogs outside in the below zero morning air only to watch them stare at me with the “what are we suppose to be doing” look.  My annoyance was...