Square Peg ● Round Hole







The Adult Version of Running Away

The Adult Version of Running Away

I am a firm believer that one must create a life that you don’t need to escape from.  Honestly, I have that life.  It isn’t perfect, but it fills me up and happiness is my constant companion……even when life turns shitty.    I am a firm believer...
Oh, The Memories

Oh, The Memories

Remember when I was sharing about my recent trip to Target?  Well, I failed you all because I forgot to share an enlightening experience that made me wonder how certain individuals walk the earth.    While Bryce and I were perusing the linen aisle – this is...
A Nod to Summer

A Nod to Summer

I have decided Mother Nature is on a bender.  Between the storms that deconstructed my tree last week and the amount of rain yesterday that made me want to build an arc, I surrender.  My white flag is waving and so is my middle finger.   Because the ground is so...


I might be in the minority, but shopping makes me cringe.   If I were an undercover agent caught by a malicious group to gain secret information, I would totally break if my punishment were to shop……with crowds of people.  I know that sounds dramatic, but...
He Knows Best

He Knows Best

Sunday morning, I was nudged to go to church. It doesn’t happen often, but when I have the feeling that it is in my best interest to attend, I try not to ignore it. It is usually my Higher Power being subtle. As I settled into my pew and knelt to pray, I noticed...