Square Peg ● Round Hole







To Be Kind

To Be Kind

If you were anywhere near social media yesterday, you probably watched the video of Ellen DeGeneres sharing about her experience of sitting next to former President George Bush during a football game. She talked about how they are friends despite their opposing views...
Stand Back

Stand Back

Later this week, I am running away from home. Okay, that’s sounds incredibly dramatic. The reality is, I am simply packing a bag and allowing myself a well-deserved break from my life. It is the adult version of running away. I will be enjoying the company of my...
This Is Not A Drill

This Is Not A Drill

Last night, we celebrated my spouse’s birthday with his mother. My belly was full and I was anticipating the reunion with my pajamas as we drove home. Inching closer to our driveway, we noticed something hideous at our door….solicitors. Anything that...
What I Want To Say

What I Want To Say

The great thing about living in today’s world is how quickly you can gain information. The bad thing about living in today’s world is how quickly we can become stupid. If you are like me, you might join random groups on social media that seem interesting....


I am convinced that Satan has taken Mother Nature hostage or maybe they are in cahoots. Messing with us, as it is October 1 and I am still experiencing boob sweat. You know I’m right. The thought of cooler weather makes me want to bundle up. I dream of chili,...