Square Peg ● Round Hole







Not Realistic

Not Realistic

In a week, I will cruising the seven seas with close to thirty woman, most of whom are high school comrades. This year marks thirty-five years since we wore polyester uniforms, were constantly berated by angry nuns, and gathered in the smoking area during lunch....
At Every Turn

At Every Turn

Let me start by saying, that I want to mark myself safe from the snowstorm of 2020. You know, the light dusting that occurred yesterday causing schools to be delayed. When did we become so soft? So far, 2020 has not been a delight. First, it is only February and...
High Alert

High Alert

I live in a city where Mother Nature is in a continual state of a mental breakdown. One minute it is summer then winter shoves its way in, like a petulant toddler, a few hours later. It’s maddening to figure out how to dress. Sometimes I look like an aged out...


Okay, after seeing 50 year old JLo strut her stuff, it inspired me to up my game. I was giving a B- effort in the area of working out and was kind of at a standstill with my sustainable lifestyle initiative. I still feel good and have lost a lot of inches, but I have...


It seems that our country is divided yet again. This time it revolves around the Super Bowl halftime show, and whether the Kansas City Chiefs are representing Kansas or Missouri. For the record, they are in Missouri and our President corrected his tweet as he thought...