Square Peg ● Round Hole







The Struggle

The Struggle

The gap of gender goes beyond the pay scales and equal opportunity. It extends to even the most basic task.....dressing. We were invited to Oaks this past weekend and it would naturally bring up the question, what are we wearing? In the relationship that I have spent...

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The Walk Home

The Walk Home

There is no easy way to say goodbye to someone you love. It is met with a lot of reflection and pausing. It requires being in the present and that is a daunting practice when in the clutches of an emotional state. My aunt is nearing her final exit. It wasn't long ago...

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The word of my life is graceful. The intent of doing something with ease and finesse. I just made myself laugh because neither of these words describe me, but I would like to convey that I am striving just to exist without causing harm to myself or others. There is a...

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Happy Monday!

NEWS! NEWS! Happy Monday everyone! I hope this finds you well. Just a couple of notes of interest to keep you in the loop of what I am creating. First, check out The Turning Point on Kindle Vella. This is a romantic comedy centering around Lainey and Myles. If you...

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The Art of Waiting

The average human spends five years throughout their lifetime waiting. In fact, as I write this I am waiting. There is something about the patience it takes to wait. This morning I had an 8 a.m. appointment to have my HVAC checked. It was 8:15 when he showed up and...

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Quite Contemplation

The solar eclipse has been the talk of the town. Where will you watch it? What area has the best coverage? While going outside of Louisville would provide a 100 percent view, we opted to stay in our backyard for the 99 percent view. Who needs 100 percent when it...

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The Divide

Do you have someone in your life that doesn't value the meaning of "emergency"? Do you have someone in your life that will simply ignore warning signs? I do. Let me tell you a story. When Brian and I met, one red flag (among many) was that he was confused over the...

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I have noticed some oddness as I age. Maybe it's not odd. It is quite possible I am just quirky. Do you happen to notice the oddities that are accentuated as we age? I am not sure why this is a topic for a blog, but I felt drawn to bring it up. I might be the only odd...

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