Square Peg ● Round Hole









I had plans last night, friends. And, it involved leaving my house and doing something that didn't include shopping for food. Yesterday, was one of my tribe member's birthdays. In this midst of this quarantine, birthdays need to be amped-up. They need to be bolder....

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With a lot of nothingness on the horizon, I am learning things that, well, I really didn't need to know. For example, did you know that on Spotify, you can make a playlist for your pet? Think about that for a moment. My pets are ready to get rid of us, so I can't...

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Disney still hasn't cancelled our cruise. I mean, it is in my eyes because there is no way I would be even consider going, plus the CDC has implemented a "No Sail Order" for the next 100 days. But seriously, Disney, give it up. I know what you're doing. You are seeing...

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The Nemesis

The Nemesis

"I'm going to order a new air mattress." My spouse says this to me in passing like someone would say "What a beautiful day". Like it wouldn't register that this would be the third air mattress ordered in less than a year. I can't even blame 2020 because all were...

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Be Bold

Be Bold

I have decided I am going to live out loud while I am sequestered with my family. This means, I am going to try new things that I normally wouldn't do because I might have to see other people. The individuals that happen to occupy this domain, aren't going to care how...

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Where’s the Magic?

My television has a screen saver that says, "28 days until the magic". It might be cute if that were the countdown to when our time in captivity would be ending. But, no, that is the countdown to our Disney cruise. On May 18, I would have been leaving for a fun-filled...

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Through this whole new reality, I have a new skill set. It is called Zoom. Now, this amazing platform has apparently been around awhile, but because of our new social distancing initiative, this has been a new way to connect with other humans. There is a blip though...

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Before & After

Before & After

When this new reality show, "This is Us -The Quarantine Edition" began, I should have thought of a fun challenge for all of us to do together. I would have encouraged everyone to take a before picture. You know, the one where your hair is in a good place. Your color...

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Simple Life

Simple Life

We are at the four week mark for our time in captivity. Clearly, people are getting a little squirrely with being confined. This is a perfectly natural response to an unfamiliar situation. We all thought we might be back to our regular lives by now. The delusion that...

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If You Were Wondering

If You Were Wondering

Do you all remember back in January when I was wearing the appendage AKA the walking boot due to a tendon issue in my ankle? You know, the one that went on a cruise with me right before I got the flu, and we entered the Twilight Zone. Gosh, that seems like eons ago,...

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