Square Peg ● Round Hole







Quite Contemplation

The solar eclipse has been the talk of the town. Where will you watch it? What area has the best coverage? While going outside of Louisville would provide a 100 percent view, we opted to stay in our backyard for the 99 percent view. Who needs 100 percent when it...

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The Divide

Do you have someone in your life that doesn't value the meaning of "emergency"? Do you have someone in your life that will simply ignore warning signs? I do. Let me tell you a story. When Brian and I met, one red flag (among many) was that he was confused over the...

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I have noticed some oddness as I age. Maybe it's not odd. It is quite possible I am just quirky. Do you happen to notice the oddities that are accentuated as we age? I am not sure why this is a topic for a blog, but I felt drawn to bring it up. I might be the only odd...

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The Plague

I don't get sick. It isn't an egotistical statement nor am I bragging. It is a mere fact. Except that fact imploded and by Saturday, I had a full blown case of bronchitis/sinus infection. Nice. Let me tell you the backstory. On Wednesday, I had a small tickle in the...

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The Greatest Gift

I am not sure when it happened, but I have noticed recently my pull toward small gratification. The tiniest things bring me joy. The laughter of a small child as they discover the wonders of their world. Playtime with the girls in the backyard. A passion tea lemonade...

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I spend a great deal of time on social media. It is the foundation for an Indie writer as I am simply a glorified car salesperson trying to sell her goods. Imagine my surprise yesterday when social media took a personal day. When I first tried to access Facebook, it...

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When You Know

There are those moments when I am searching for the topic for my blog. Sometimes something happens that propels my inspiration and other times, I am at a loss. But, what I know as a writer is that an idea can simply be a small molecule. Something I would miss if I...

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Wednesday Words – Puzzle Piece

Sometimes, there is a flash of "where do I fit in" that spills into the crevices of my mind. Sometimes it centers around people and other times it is simply where I am residing in my life. I assume that most people think at 56-years-old, I would have my shit together....

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We exist in a world where goodness is often clouded by the uninvited toxicity that certain humans aspire to spread. It's great to have goals, but some people need to reevaluate theirs. If you have lived under a rock, let me sum it up by saying the word "romance". In...

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Feet Gate

Have you noticed that despite all of our fancy tech shit, nothing has been made easier? I am beginning to sound like an old lady. The facts remain that in order to get anything done, you must have the patience of a saint. I am not a saint. I am sure that is surprising...

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