Square Peg ● Round Hole







Curve Ball

Life is full of curve balls.  Throwing off even the most balanced person.   In the process of being thrown off kilter, I am conscious that curve balls provide an opportunity to live and learn.   Not easy by any means.   Yesterday, I was delivered some unexpected news...

The DD

I am sure when you read the title you might think that I am referring to a designated driver, but I am referring to the ever popular dysfunctional dynamic.    One of my new year’s intentions is to rid or distance myself from those relationships that exude...

Obstacle Course

When strolling through this thing called life, I often stumble.   Usually, the obstacle I stumble over is me.   It’s funny, but I can create an unrealistic outcome or scenario in my head to accompany any uncomfortable issue that should arise.  I have spent...


Bravery has always been a word used to describe those who fight for our country, police, firemen, or anyone who is battling an illness that maybe they can’t win.    I know a lot of brave people and they might not fit into the above categories, but they are my...


The “artic vortex” is upon our fair city.   Dangerous wind chills deliver a scary realization for those of individuals who make their living or actual live amongst the elements.   Social media has provided a stage for those certain people who constantly...