Square Peg ● Round Hole







Special Delivery

On a spring day in 1995, my husband and I welcomed a bouncing, baby boy, who happened to have Down syndrome.  It was our first child, and we were paralyzed with the information and overwhelming uncertainty that we were about to face.    It has been eighteen years of...

TSD – Traumatic Snow Disorder

In typical Louisville, Kentucky fashion, the media has exploited an upcoming “snow storm”.  Now, let me be clear,  it does indeed appear like we will at least get the artic cold that could break records, but in this town, a snow flake is equal to the...

The Power of Touch

It has been scientifically proven that the human touch is necessary for development in terms of relationships.   Yesterday, as I visited my step-father in the ICU, I became very aware of the impact a simple hand holding gesture can have.   As my step-sister and I...


Most people set a list of resolutions for the new year.  They are giddy in anticipation of all the positive changes they will make.  For me, resolutions are a listed of unrealistic expectations.   We are set up for failure before we even begin.   Now, I know that...

The New Year

So, my New Year’s Eve was interesting to say the least.   As I have entered the club of caretaking elderly relatives, I was met with the challenge of my step-father having emergency surgery on the most festive night of the year.   I sat alone in the waiting room...