Square Peg ● Round Hole








It is such a shame that we use the labels of success and failure. For me, it sets a scary tone in which I tend to hesitate.  What if I fail?  Instead of using such labels, I prefer to remind myself that if things don’t go as I planned, I did produce a result....

Quiet Reflections

As the snow continues to quietly fall depositing a thick, white blanket over the ground, I am mindful of several things.   First, I know that while I strive to be a good listener, sometimes, my biggest problem communicating is that I don’t listen to understand,...

Reflection vs Deflection

I often hear people spout off about how other people’s actions are a reflection of them.  While I will agree to a point, I often wonder if that is an individual’s way of deflecting from their own behavior.    You see, when I disengage, it frees me from any...

The Stranger

As humans, we are all on a quest to learn about ourselves.  I call it a soul search as it is deep and richly spiritual.   I spent years so focused on others, that I was a virtual stranger to myself.  The inner working of my being was foreign and mysterious.   I have...

The Art of Imitation

There is a saying that imitation is the highest form of flattery.  I guess that is true, if you are a three year old copying your favorite cartoon character.  As an adult, however, I find it boring. By finding your true self, copying someone is unnecessary. There are...