Square Peg ● Round Hole







The Reunion Part II

In the city that I reside, where you went to high school is more important than where you went to college.  It is an oddity to outsiders, but a vital question to those of us who are inquiring.   My high school reunion weekend has come to a close.   As previously...

Just When You Think It’s Safe

This morning I ventured outside and immersed myself in the warmth of the sun and the wind tickling my face. I was really appreciating the beauty and the tranquility.  Fast forward fifteen minutes later, and I am a raving lunatic.  You see, it happens.   It’s...

The Reunion

Maybe its the addition of social media or maybe it is simply that I am older, but high school reunions no longer terrify me.   I will say that high school is probably the most challenging social experiment that people are exposed to .  I enjoyed my experience going to...

And So It Ends……

Life still manages to surprise me.    Going about my daily routine, I often get lost in the details.  Not really focusing on what is happening around me.  It is a series of checking off things, residing on my list, that I have completed.  Yesterday, I started my day...

Morning Retake

It’s my fault.   When I assume that things are going to go a certain way, then I set myself up for disappointment.  Today wasn’t any different.   When Brian wasn’t easily roused to get moving this morning, I was instantly annoyed.  Actually, if I am...