Square Peg ● Round Hole







No Connection

No Connection

The Disney experience is only slightly marred by the blocking of my selected cellular international plan.   Actually, for them, it is really smart because it forces you, if so inclined, to purchase their WiFi package.  I could access my phone only when we were in port...
The Magic

The Magic

When we pulled up to board the Disney cruise, the little girl inside of me bubbled with excitement.  Apparently, I was so outwardly giddy that Bryce told me to “calm down”.   This was our third Disney cruise, but our last one was when the boys were small,...
In the Beginning

In the Beginning

Our journey to our Disney adventure started on a direct flight to Tampa.  We were spending a few days with Brian’s dad and step-mom before boarding the most magical cruise in the world.   Of course, one of the only few direct flights happened at the crack of...
In the end

In the end

So, it has been a while since I have touched the keys to my computer.  Taking a hiatus from the norm is always therapeutic.   Trust me, there are many stories to tell from this vacation.  Family togetherness can bring out the best and worst in people. I have always...
Keeping it Together

Keeping it Together

I am a planner.  I make lists.  Then there are other lists that assist the first list.  Then I get distracted.  Not sure if the items on one list are agreeable with the other list.   Of course, packing always sends me into several different directions.    On a good...