Square Peg ● Round Hole







Spontaneous Old Age

I was humored last night as I listened to comedian Wanda Sykes reflect on why being “surprised” is so complicated once we get a certain age.  She was referring to a get away that her wife had planned.  Instead of being excited, she panicked.  Why, you ask?...

The Light Bulb

Someone recently compared the inside of their head to a dim light bulb.   That image resonated with me as most of the time, my mind mimics a dark tunnel.   Last blog, I wrote about making decisions.  My thoughtful process sometimes hinders the outcome, but today, my...

The Decision

I don’t know about the rest of the world, but my decision making skills may rival a tense negotiation with competing countries.  Visually, the inside of my head is a hamster wheel complete with a hamster and a whimsical dancing monkey.  My thoughts can turn into...

The Unfolding

Seemingly effortless, God unfolds my life.  It is His will that prepares me as I walk the journey.   Paths filled with thorns merge into paths filled with scenic views provide me with a basket full of opportunities.   These experiences create a masterpiece of...

Soothing Words

I don’t know about you, but when I am walking through something difficult, I certainly welcome words of encouragement. For me, it is interesting the variety of responses one may receive when sharing your struggles.   Some are soothing.  Others are convinced if...